About Me

I am currently enrolled in BYU Pathway Worldwide. I am starting my 3rd semester. Next semester I will enroll in BYU-I and continue my studies. I love to learn and am excited to learn about computers and programming. I want to further my knowledge and gain experience. I am changing my career and taking advantage of the time and situation we are currently in to complete my schooling.
I am a wife and mother. I have been married 25 years and have 5 children. I have 3 boys and 2 girls ranging in ages from 25-14. We live on a little slice of Heaven on Earth in South Texas. I love it here!
I love the animals we have choosen to raise. Currently we have chickens, cows, and dogs. We have had pigs, goats, ducks, and horses. All of our animals have a job. We use the pigs for FFA and then when the season is over we butcher one of them and put it in the freezer and have meat all year long. We use the chickens for the eggs, the dogs have a job as well. They must protect our home. They are very good at keeping people and other animals away. The cows are for reproducing and we will use the steers for meat when they are the right size.
I have been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints my whole life, but I was inactive for most of my youth. When my parents divorced we only went to church for help. Right before I got married my soon to be husband and I had a long conversation where we both committed to being active and in good standing with the church. From that day forward I have been an active involved member of the church and have had 2 children serve missions in Peru so far. My favorite children's hymn is "A Child's Prayer", and my favorite hymn from the hymnal is "We Thank Thee O God For a Prophet". I look back now and can see how the Lord gave me an opportunity to change not only my life, but the lives of our entire family, and future generations as well.